Using a Planner Effectively

Written By: Liz Small

A planner is the most important tool a student can use to help them manage their time and plan for schoolwork. Online school portals are not planners, but rather one resource for students to get information for populating their planners. Teacher announcements in class and assignments written on the board are other resources for information. Every student’s planner will look different based on their unique needs. Read the tips below for ideas on using a planner effectively.

Planner Suggestions:

  • The best planner is the one a student will actually use!

  • School planners are ideal because they include school-specific holidays.

  • If your school does not provide a planner, use any academic planner.

  • Students should carry their planners with them throughout the day.

  • Students should write things down in their planners immediately upon learning about assignments.

  • Students should check their planners right when they get home and dedicate 10-15 minutes to making an action plan for the day.

  • Students should check their planners again before bedtime to be sure everything has been completed.

6 Steps to Using a Planner:

  • Write something next to every class every day.

  • Write “none” if there is truly no work in a particular class.

  • Write the specific assignment rather than something categorical.

  • Break longer-term assignments into more manageable entries.

  • Star tasks that are due the next day.

  • Cross out items as they are completed.

When students learn how to use their planner effectively, they improve self-monitoring and organizational skills. This helps them plan ahead to turn in assignments on time and allot the right amount of time to study for tests and quizzes. Watch our video tutorial from Illuminos CEO & Co-Founder Evan Weinberger for more information on how to effectively use a planner.